A new study proves the habit is disgusting and also bad for your well being.

Professor Paul Dawson of Clemson University recently wrote about a study that concluded double dipping is a food safety issue. Professor Dawson says;

“Anywhere from hundreds to thousands of different bacterial types and viruses live in the human oral cavity, most of which are harmless. But some aren’t so good. Pneumonic plague, tuberculosis, influenza virus, Legionnaires’ disease and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are known to spread through saliva, with coughing and sneezing aerosolizing up to 1,000 and 3,600 bacterial cells per minute.”

That's why you should cover your nose when you sneeze and your mouth when you cough, and don't put any part of a chip or vegetable back in the dip once it's been in your mouth.

This holiday season you should stay away from the popular dips, as you know there will be double dippers around. And if you feel under the weather yourself, stay home.


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