Expect to Pay More to Park in Durham
There are new parking regulations that will take effect this month.
If you are parking in Durham, you will have to put more cash in the meters later in the day, as enforcement will now be until 8pm instead of 6pm Monday's thru Saturday.
According to Fosters.com, the new parking times in downtown Durham are a bit more in accordance with UNH, whose meters are enforced until 9pm.
The idea from law enforcement and town officials according to the article, is hoping for a higher turnover with the longer hours.
Parking is certainly at a premium in most of the seacoast towns, and especially Durham, so it will be interesting to see how this will play out.
With all my parking tickets that I paid in my years growing up in Durham, I'm shocked they have to expand their hours. I would think they already have enough in the till.