You may have seen this story in the news before, because for the past four years, this Dad makes a special costume for his son, but this year, it has extra special meaning.

According to a story from, 15 year old Tommy Hardy, who is autistic and has cerebral palsy, got in to the his custom made Halloween costume;  An iconic Air Force jet: the SR-71 Blackbird.

Tommy's father, Tom Hardy, builds a costume especially for his son so he can feel like any other kid going trick or treating.  In years past, he's been a  an X-Wing Starfighter from Star Wars, a dragon from “Game of Thrones” and a police car.  According to the story, Tommy's Dad and his friends spent about 100 hours and $75.00 on the entire costume.

They chose the Air Force jet because Tommy's grandparents were in the Air Force and they both passed away this year.

Check out this YouTube Video.  I warn you, it's a tear-jerker.  At least it was for me:


I'm not one for Halloween, but this story makes me wish it was every. damn. day.

Happy Halloween!


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