Here’s the COVID-19 Case Count for NH, ME, MA on May 4, 2020
Here are the number of COVID-19 cases in NH, Maine and Massachusetts. These numbers include the number of deaths and the number of recoveries.
According to NH.gov: 2,518
In Maine, 1,185
and in Massachusetts, 68,087
I saw my sister, Heidi, over the weekend. Heidi has a big job in a big Boston hospital. She is literally working an 80 hour work week and has been for the past several weeks. The information coming at her is fast and furious and she, being the mouthpiece of the hospital, has to be accurate because she is dealing with the health and welfare of so many.
Heidi tells me that we are at the top of the curve and maybe, just maybe, a wee bit on the other side of this thing. I could have hugged her. To think that we might be on the other side is almost too good to be true!
I hope we are heading toward something that looks familiar. The way things are now, I have to say, I am over it.
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