Is This Maine’s Sebago Lake Frozen Over or an Image From Another Planet?
It's time now to a play a little game I like to call "is it the Moon or Sebago Lake?"
I understand that sounds ridiculous, but it won't be once you see these images. First, let's start with a reference point for both Sebago Lake and the Moon.
First, an aerial look at lovely Sebago Lake, which is located roughly 15 miles northwest of Portland.
Now a surface image of the Earth's Moon.
This is a very common surface image of the Moon. I would assume neither of the images are that new to anyone. But, it's always important to start with a reference.
Now, for the main event. Let's play the game.
Here is the image in question.
This stunning image is clearly the moon Sebago Lake. A very icy Sebago Lake. Karl Ramsdell, administrator for the Facebook page MAINE WIldlife, took these incredible images with a drone.
Karl had been skating for hours, and noticed the very cool ice pattern. He decided to grab his drone and get some shots. He would then post this on Facebook.
A perfect description from Karl. It does indeed look like another planet.
It's incredible to see how alive ice the is. It's not the simple, one-note, colorless substance it looks like from ground level. Observing it from above truly shows its beauty. It also gives you a sense of the engineering of the freeze, with the flows literally freezing in time.
Karl also posted a video from the drone. It gives you a sense of how vast and amazing the ice formation is.
The world never ceases to amaze us with its beauty and mystery. A big thanks to Karl for sharing his amazing work with us.
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