Once upon a time, prime rib specials were essential to bring in customers. Americans had a taste for the slow-cooked dish, and restaurants from Maine to California would plan their weekend specials around prime rib.

Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern
Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern

But as time keeps moving, so do the tastes and demands of consumers. Between the increase in prices for beef and a changing diet for many, prime rib specials started disappearing off restaurant menus more than a decade ago.

Not all restaurants, though. A restaurant and tavern in Eustis, Maine, likes to hold on to tradition, and for more than three decades, they've featured a prime rib special on their menu every week. Now, that dedication to tradition is being recognized.

Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern
Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern

The travel recommendations blog called Cheapism scoured the country looking for the best place in each state to nab yourself a delectable cut of prime rib. Cheapism has named the Trail's End Steakhouse and Tavern as one of the best in the nation to do just that.

Trail's End Steakhouse and Tavern isn't going to blow you away with fancy decor, upscale seating, or a haughty drink list. But as you might imagine, any restaurant that has been around for more than 30 years must be serving up something delicious to keep people coming back.

Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern
Facebook via Trail's End Steakhouse & Tavern

READ MORE: Five McDonald's Locations in Maine That Once Had Unique Themes

Trail's End Steakhouse and Tavern still serves up their prime rib special once per week on Saturday. The price will even be cheaper than many of the steaks you'd find at popular chain restaurants as well. Trail's End remains the little steakhouse that could.

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Gallery Credit: Lori Voornas

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