Jewelweed is a Fun NH Antidote to Poison Ivy
If you're suffering from poison ivy, seek out the bright orange blossoms of jewelweed for the best remedy. (And their seed pods are fun too)
The great thing about jewelweed is that it can be found anywhere and because of the bright orange blossoms, you can see it from a mile away.
For a poison ivy remedy, just clip or pull up and entire plant and crush any part of it with your fingers. The liquid that seeps from both the plant stems or the leaves is THE BEST cure for skin affected by the caustic oil of poison ivy.
Mid-August is also a great time to trigger the seed pods, which I demonstrate on the Instagram video above. They look like little green bananas. Pinch one of those, ever so slightly between your fingers and BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE (slight exaggeration).
These plants are nicknamed 'touch me not' because of the explosive seed pods, but I think that is a horrible name due to the healing properties of their sap.