NH Company Looking To Help Save Our Oceans and Protect Marine Life
Last night, I went to Jonathan's in Ogunquit, one of my favorite places around. It was a Sunday night, so I didn't want to drink alcohol, as the next day was a work day, so I ordered a diet coke. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Jonathan's gave me a paper straw. Thank goodness this trend is starting to catch on!
According to 1millionwomen.com:
Single-use plastic is a particularly nasty form of plastic. These items have a shockingly short lifespan, normally used once and then discarded to landfill. Like other plastics, they never biodegrade and take hundreds of years to break down. Plastic straws are one such single-use item, and are ending up in our oceans by the thousands.....In USA alone, 500 million straws are used every single day. We use straws for around twenty minutes before we toss them away, which is an astonishingly quick lifespan for an item that will be on the planet forever.
This website also has a video of a sea turtle trying to get a straw out of it's nose. It's hard to watch, so I'll spare you. My point is, there are alternatives.
Good Start Packaging, located in Bedford, offers to-go packaging, compostable straws and many other forms of packaging materials. WMUR did a report about them and they are trying to make a dent in the problem of trash in our oceans.
I am looking to talk to Ken Jacobus of Good Start Packaging to know more about what he does. If we can help to clean up our oceans and protect our marine life, why wouldn't we do it?
I'll keep you updated.
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