NH Gov Sununu Requires Option for In-Person Learning Starting March 8
Governor Sununu announced Thursday that kids school age K-12 will soon have the option of going to school two days a week starting on March 8.
Schools have to provide the OPTION of at least two days in school. That doesn't mean that if you feel uncomfortable sending your kids to school, you have to do it.
It's a tough call for parents, as so many other decisions have been throughout this pandemic.
I'm sure glad that I no longer have to make those decisions for my son, as he's a grown man now. I can imagine that Parents really want their kids to socialize in person and get off the computer, but then, what if the family lives with someone who has one or more comorbidities? How awful would that be? You send your kid to school and they come home with the virus that kills Grandma? That would be awful.
There will be a day that we look back at this time and remember what we learned, how hard some things were and how important family is. That's the biggest thing that I've learned so far. All those occasional get-togethers with the family, although they felt few and far between, were really important. I can't wait to get back to the annual fights! Actually, those might not even happen when we finally do get together. I think we actually miss each other. I don't miss the fights though. Let's hope they don't return.
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