NH Spring Soakings Produce Surge Of Black Flies & Mosquitoes
Rainy weather blanketed Northern New England on a consistent basis, and we're feeling (and smacking) the results of it this summer.
Last weekend, we finally basked in two days of sunshine with temps in the 80's. For an area of the country which was drenched more often than it wasn't, Spring seemed far away.
Until you stepped in the woods.
Mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks are everywhere. 2019's wet spring has produced a bumper crop of insects. Warden Cody Lounder told Journal Tribune “Oh man. I’ve probably pulled off over 100 ticks crawling on me. I had one deer tick attached." Entomologist Griffin Dill provided insight to what has caused the spike. “The winter lasted longer than usual. That pushes back the timeline for insects like ticks,” he told Journal Tribune. “Wet weather creates great breeding times for mosquitoes and ticks.”
How do you handle this madness? In addition to using repellent, Dill recommends you eliminate standing water in your yard. Mosquitoes traditionally do not need a lot of water to breed, and standing water is a haven.