Do you remember what had to happen for The Pats to make the playoffs in 1988?

The Oakland Raiders are in a similar predicament this year, and it's amazing to read through the scenario.

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I love this time of year for so many reasons, in addition to the holidays, it's time to twist your mind into knots trying to figure out how some teams can STILL make the NFL playoffs.

I remember as clear as a bell Sunday December 18, 1988, wrapping gifts at my Gramp and Nan's hoping that BOTH The Cleveland Browns AND The Indianapolis Colts would lose.

I was so excited because BOTH games were on TV and you could follow along with the click of the remote. This was decades before NFL Red Zone.

The Pats had lost the night before in Denver and now their only hope was this unlikely double header.

Unfortunately, both teams would go on to win, and the Pats wouldn't see the playoffs for another 6 years.

When I saw The Oakland Raiders (7-8) outrageous scenario this morning on USA Today, it took me right back to that braided rug in Gonic, surrounded by wrapping paper, scotch tape and the dreams of Pats football in January.

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