Planet Fitness To Open on Thursday and My Thighs are Scared
It's been a minute since I've been to the gym. Okay, maybe more than a minute, maybe like.... 3 or 4 months.
Planet Fitness, according to a story from WMUR, has upped it's sanitation game with what it's calling, "social fitnessing" and plan on opening up on Thursday.
Gyms everywhere have always been a hotbed for germs no matter where you go. People sweat when they work out and sometimes they can't help but leave a little bit of themselves behind and now, we have to be extra careful.
Are you going to go? I feel as if I really have to. My body is actually craving some exercise. I am able to go out and walk, but it's not the same. When I go out for a walk, I usually get very distracted by the things around me. I'll run in to some sort of nature, like a tree that looks particularly cool and I'll have to stop and take a picture or the neighbors cat who has come to say hello. Of course, I have to pet the cat! Being outside slows me down and I just can't focus on the task at hand, which is getting some good exercise in.
Thursday, when the gyms open up, me and my thighs will be there, but I have to admit, I'll be a little nervous. Not only because of the germs, but also because I know the pain I'll have to endure after I get a focused workout. Admittedly, I do like the feeling I get after I work out, so I'll endure the pain. It's good for me. Builds muscle and character.
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