Hello fellow 'Bates Motel' psychos! Season 4 premieres tonight on A&E at 9pm and I have everything you need to get properly hyped for the journey back to White Pine Bay.

This trailer seems to artistically zip through all the decades of 'Psycho' in 25 quick seconds. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's what happens when you watch it 30 times in a row as I have.

When I first watched the video above, I got so excited to see the freezer. In the film "Psycho II" Norman Bates (played by Anthony Perkins) uses a freezer just like that to store the body of one of his victims. Any throwback to 1983 gets an A+ for effort in my book.

This final video has the only example of a quick Season 4 trailer that I've only seen once. The imagery of Norma's pearls falling down a drainpipe is so foreboding.

I love Vera Farmiga's portrayal of Norma Bates and to see the cascading pearls representing her inevitable demise at the hands of Norman, let's just say I don't want to think about it.

If you know nothing about this show, the guy that narrates the synopsis of it after the trailer does a reasonable job. Also, I still haven't seen one episode from Season 1 and it hasn't affected my enjoyment of this show at all.

Keep your knives sharp and your bathroom doors locked tonight!

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