Should Seacoast NH Grocery Store Workers Get The Vaccine Sooner Than Everyone Else?
During the pandemic, there have been people who have avoided their family and their friends. Absolutely everyone who they had contact with before March of 2020 has been taken out of their life. They have managed to stay in their homes without their annoying little sister coming in and demanding a glass of wine and a sandwich. (I have no idea where I got that last part) Anyway, there is one person that they could not avoid, no way, no how. The Grocery Store Worker. According to an article at, the grocery store worker has been "forgotten" when it comes to getting the vaccine.
Remember at the beginning of the pandemic, the grocery store workers were deemed "essential" and had to go and interact with the public? Food is, of course, essential. There is no one who is exempt from that.
Why haven't we heard about any COVID-19 outbreaks at any of our grocery stores? Or, I should say, I haven't heard of any. I would like to ask someone at the grocery store that I shop at, but I've been on hold for about 20 minutes and I'm about to hang up......... Wow... they are really not ever going to answer my call. Okay, onto someone else. Nope. No luck there either... one more.... WOW! I got nothing but avoidance and "he's in a meeting."
The Patch article quotes someone who works in a grocery story as saying:
We're around just as many sick people as we are around non-sick people, just like health care workers, because we are always going to be open to supply food to the public. Health care workers are heroes in my eyes. But we are forgotten.
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