Google Trends released the most popular hot dogs state by state. I was surprised to see that there were a few that I had never heard of, but what didn't surprise me was Maine's most popular hot dog.
We tend to frequent a select few establishments where we know what to expect, and subsequently miss out on equally-amazing places that aren't on our radar.
Most of us that grill have one of those wire brushes handy to scrape the grate and get rid of all that caked on food. I mean, you don't want to taste last nights crusty sauce on today's freshly marinated steak, right? Did you know that the bristles on those brushes can be deadly?
I was in the grocery store the other day and saw a display with TastyKake's for a dollar. Sold. Cherry and apple pie, glazed. I have been wanting to throw one of these on the grill for awhile. I'm glad I did. Everything is better grilled.
The warmer weather is finally here and everyone is excited to get outside and do some grilling. This is a great time to re-visit grill safety and teach your kids how to be responsible around a grill.
After years of research and debate, the question has finally been answered. Can you bake chocolate chip cookies on the grill? Welcome to Grill It or Kill It, Episode 2.
Introducing a new video series where I will be grilling items you don't normally think to grill, then I let you know if the food is tasty when grilled or if it should be killed. Ladies and gentleman, this is 'Grill It or Kill It.' Episode 1: Twinkies.