New Sarah Long Bridge Opening Delayed
Well hopefully good things will come to those who wait. Especially those who have waited for the past year plus for the new Rt.1 bridge that will connect Portsmouth to Kittery.
In an article published at seacoast.com:
After a planned early September opening was delayed. Maine Department of Transportation Resident Engineer Ron Taylor said Monday the contractor, Cianbro Corporation, still needs to build concrete curbs on the Kittery side of the bridge and pave the approaches on both sides of the bridge.
“That’s our best guess currently and that’s the date we’re hopeful of achieving,” said Taylor.
Taylor said unless poor weather interrupts constructions, he believes the bridge will be open by the new target date.
I'm sure many of you commuters have gotten used to finding alternative routes to your destination in these areas.
But this will certainly be a time saver once finished.
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