The Shark’s Senior Salute: Tryston Starr
Today we had a Senior Salute that was just too good not to share throughout every technological platform available. Winnacunnet Senior Tryston Starr!
About Tryston:
Tryston (pronounced Tristan) Starr continues to be a role model and leader for those around him, just ask his teachers or anyone he's attended school with.
He has received awards for most positive student, most community hours, chosen as most outstanding cadet, member of the cyber security state champions and its no surprise to us as his parents that he continues to commit his future to serving others.
Born exactly a year on the anniversary of 9/11 we knew he was born to do great things. We are thankful for him every day and we know how many kids are missing this chance to celebrate.
We want them to know it doesn't take away their achievements and all that they have accomplished, this is an opportunity to make them stronger individuals ready to take on any challenge as adults.
Tryston's Post High School Plans
Tryston currently holds his ranking as Cadet Captain in his MCJROTC program and is missing his last awards ceremony.
Following in his Dad's military footsteps he was scheduled to leave in August but due to Covid 19 he is now rescheduled to leave in October for Marine Basic Training at Parris Island, SC, from there his MOS will be Cyber Space Defense Operator
We couldn't be more proud of our boy OORAH !!!!!
Sarah and I tried our very best to give the proper sounding 'OOOORAH!' at the end of he audio track above.
What an outstanding young man and ideal subject for our SALUTE!