Two NH Towns Considering Mandatory Masks When in Public
These days, if I'm going out, I assume that wherever I'm going has some sort of mask mandate. Now, there are two NH towns that will consider mask mandates this week, so says WMUR.
Durham is meeting tonight, Monday August 3rd and the focus would be for the downtown area. Anyone interacting with the public would be required to wear a mask. The Durham Town Administrator, Todd Selig, had this to say, according to the WMUR report:
.....we have approximately 15,000 18 to 22-year-olds who attend the University of New Hampshire who will begin returning to Durham Aug 10. So, we want to have this in place when they return and in addition, by doing it as an emergency ordinance it puts a finite time table on the duration of the ordinance.
Hanover is also meeting tonight and the Hanover Town Manager, Julia Griffin said something similar to Durham:
The timing of this is in part associated with the anticipated return of a fairly large amount of students...... The mask mandate requires that individuals wear masks in all retail and restaurant settings as well as in businesses and government buildings and on public sidewalks, public ways and public parks.
Maybe the Governor should just mandate masks for the whole state and be done with it. I think it's a good idea. If you have breathing problems where it's not comfortable to wear a mask, I'm sure there can be accommodations made for you. I heard someone say that people who have breathing issues should stay home. I wonder if they were put in the same position if they'd still say that?
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