Your Credit Info May Have Been Stolen If You Shop At These Stores
As someone who's had their identity stolen TWICE...this is something you need to read, and then share with your friends. You constantly hear about companies leaking your private information. Well, I'm sad to say it's happened AGAIN!
Business Insider says if you've shopped at any of these six spots, and a few more, in the last 18 months,your credit information might be vulnerable.
1. Panera. They say a flaw in their website might have left 37 million people's info open
to hackers.
2. Whole Foods. If you only bought groceries, you don't have to worry. But the payment
system used at their in-store cafes got hacked last summer.
3. Kmart. There aren't a lot of them around anymore. But if you shopped there last
June, it's possible your credit card info got ripped off.
4. Forever 21. If you shopped there between March and October, 2017...you could
have been hacked. The good news is they announced this back in November so if
you were compromised then you've most likely been informed.
5. Sears: On April 4, Sears alerted their customers about an online incident that may
have resulted in up to 100,000 people having their credit-card information stolen
between September 27, 2017 and October 12, 2017
6. GameStop. If you have kids...then you have definitely gone to GameStop. If you
were there between August 2016 and February 2017 (can you say Christmas
shopping)...someone stole names, addresses, and credit card numbers from
So what do you do if your credit card info was compromised or stolen? Experian Information Solutions says the first thing you should do is monitor your credit card accounts regularly. Then if you discover someone has made unauthorized charges on your credit card account, you should follow these steps.
I know from personal experience how violated I felt when I got ripped me off. Thankfully it wasn't for a huge amount. But it's still the fact someone was such a lowlife that they would steal my info and go run up my card. Not to mention we expect stores to safeguard our info and have our backs since they're asking us to spend money in their establishments, and online.
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