3 Super Easy Ways to Organize Jewelry
One of the most frustrating things in my wardrobe is organizing the jewelry. I don't just like jewelry, I love it. My whole family does, so, as a consequence, I have a lot of it. Some of it passed down from generations past, some I bought, but all of it needs to be organized. Here's some handy-dandy tips that might help YOU too!
1. For most of my necklaces, I bought those plastic hooks that you can stick on walls without making a hole and that seems to work pretty well, but I need more room it seems and if I do the "one necklace to one hook" ratio, I'll cover an entire wall, so I purge the collection from time to time. Put away (or give away) the ones that I don't wear anymore to make room for new ones. (At one point, I thought I would hang them on hangers, just like shirts, but that didn't work because there's just not enough room in the closet for my clothes and my necklaces.)
2. Earrings can be organized with craft boxes. They get crowded too, so you'll probably need more than one, but it works pretty well.
3. For bracelets, I use a counter top paper towel holder. Works like a charm!
Happy organizing!