According to WGME, Bob Marley, Maine's Comedy Ambassador, is taking his comedy act to Maine drive-ins. You can get all the details along with an Upta Camp drinking shirt at, but I know you are too lazy to do that so let me save you the trouble.

Here's the schedule:

Bob starts off with a residency at the Farmington Narrow Gauge Cinema Drive-In for six nights. J-Lo has Vegas, Bob's got Farmington, Maine.

Wednesday May 20th: Farmington Narrow Gauge Drive-In. Both shows are sold out. Yes, just like a featured stripper, Bob is doing two shows.

Check his site for availability, he's also booked in Farmington for  May 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.

Then Bob is off to the Prides Corner Drive-In in Westbrook for four nights:

May 28, 29, 30 and 31st

According to WGME all of the state's safety guidelines will be followed, so here's how it's going to work:

  • Buy your tickets online here.
  • Show your tickets at the gate through your closed car window.
  • Cars will be spaced out.
  • You'll tune in audio through your car stereo.
  • $25 per person
  • 2 Person per car minimum and 4 person per car maximum.
  • No, you will not be necking at the drive in with Bob Marley. He will be doing a comedy routine. He might strip however. There's just no tellin'.
They say that laughter is the best medicine, calling Dr. Love. That's Dr. Bob Marley. Not the reggae guy, the Maine guy. Look, he's wearing a mask and gloves and everything. Join like minded individuals for some wicked big laughs and some comic relief, at a safe distance.

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