Couldn't we all use a laugh or two?  There's nobody better to deliver that than the one and only Comedian Bob Marley.  He is at the Rochester Opera House this weekend.  Get your tickets by clicking here.  Of course, they will be adhering to COVID-19 protocols and you get a fun night out!

If you've never seen or heard of Bob Marley before, check out this video:

Also appearing at the Rochester Opera House NEXT weekend, November 21, it's Lead Foot with Dancing Madly Backwards.  These bands are going to socially distant ROCK THE HOUSE!  Another great fun night out!  Get your tickets for that show here.  

I know that many people are being very careful about where they go and I don't blame them at all.  This pandemic is ramping up once again, however, if you are in the mood to go out and have a good time, these two shows are a great option.

Bob is getting to the age now where I can call him a New England Legend.  If he's reading this right now, he's probably not going to like it for a couple reasons, 1)  I said a "New England" legend and not a "World Domination" legend.  Next, the phrase, "getting to the age," is not going to be met with enthusiasm either.  But hey, he's a comedian, so, I'm sure has a sense of humor.

If you go to the show, I hope he tells the story of his sister when, at one Christmas dinner, she decided to go look for some gaaahlic powdah.  It's my favorite Bob Marley story.


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