Epping Meeting Tonight Moved to Accommodate More People
According to a report in the Union Leader, the Epping School Board meeting will be held at the Epping Middle School Gymnasium, located at 33 Prescott Road tonight at 7pm, rather than at the Town Hall. The report states that Valerie McKenney made the decision to hold the meeting at the school gym because she expects a lot of people to show up for the discussion of an incident that took place on April 8th when one of the students at the school, Freshman Ciretta MacKenzie, chose to wear a "Make America Great Again, Trump" t-shirt for the school's America Day where students were encouraged to show their red, white and blue.
This is the first time that I feel compelled to go to a School Board meeting and I'm sure I'm not alone. Good choice to move the meeting to a bigger place.
I rarely get political, but this one hits home. I make my living on the radio and the first amendment is important to me. I'm not saying that I am for or against either side, but what I will say is this is a slippery slope. It's not like the t-shirt had bad words on it, right? Can the girl express her own opinions or not?
I'm just asking the questions. Whether you believe it or not, I am not RIGHT or LEFT. I truly believe that everyone has a VOICE and NO ONE should be asked to silence it.
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