Iconic Landmarks, Including Plymouth Rock Vandalized
Plymouth Rock, according to a report from WMUR, was spray painted with red paint. The landmark is where the Pilgrims landed on the Mayflower 400 years ago.
It was among several historic landmarks that were vandalized.
Up the road from Plymouth park, the vandal(s) tagged the Pilgrim Maiden statue in Brewster Park that was erected to honor the women who came off the Mayflower to raise families, the news station stated.
Plymouth is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower this year and, according to the report, it was not clear if this incident had any connection to that or not.
This report from CBS Boston tells a bit about how the locals feel:
Why would someone do this? I mean, c'mon. I don't get it.
If there is some social statement, why go about it this way? If you have issues with our Government, there are other ways to express yourself. They are not as easy as just taking a spray can in the middle of the night and do the cowardly thing, but you do have the choice to speak your mind. That's what we like to call, "Freedom of Speech."