Major NH COVID-19 Vaccine News Updates
Governor Sununu's latest COVID-19 press conference was stunning today. The rate at which vaccinations are being administered and scheduled here in NH is remarkable!
According to Dr. Beth Daly, Chief of the State's Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, the updated number of people who have at least received the first dose now stands at a staggering 340,000.
In the last week here in The Granite State, 50,000 people received a vaccination for COVID-19.
With the vaccine rollout now in high gear, people in Phase 2A will begin to sign up (and receive vaccinations) as soon as March 12th. That's next Friday!
Granite State residents who are in Phase 2B? That is, residents who are Age 50 or older. You will now be able to register starting on Monday March 22nd.
There was even an update on the increase of vaccinations that will be administered at The NHMS 'Super Site' in Loudon this weekend! Instead of 10,000 vaccines, there will now be 12,000 vaccines administered over that three day span.
I'll be honest, I'm jealous of those at the raceway that will be receiving the 'Johnson & Johnson' vaccine, just one shot and you're all set.
However, I will choose to listen to the advisement of State epidemiologist, Dr. Benjamin Chan , as he said that all three of these available vaccines have been proven to be extremely effective in preventing infection and any severe effects of the COVID-19 virus.
He repeated this message today which has me thinking that the general public is coveting the J&J vax just as much as I am.
But don't get me wrong, I'll gladly have any one of the three, and it sound like that day will be here much sooner than later!