My Number One Reason To Stay Motivated When Trying To Stay Healthy
I wish I could say my number one reason is for my kids or something admirable like that, but it's not.
Those who know me know that I do try to keep in shape. Being strong and healthy is always on my mind. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes, I am not. I end up putting on more pounds than I want. I know I'm not alone with that. Almost every woman I know has some sort of weight worry.
I have tried to figure out what my actual issue is with losing weight and staying in shape and I've decided that staying motivated is the number one issue. If my heart would just be fine with me eating mac & cheese every day for the rest of my life and not exercising, I would be just fine with the way I look naked. Okay, I take that back, I really can't look at myself naked when I gain too much weight, so off I go to the gym or I start eating healthy again.
Here is the number one thought that has helped when I lose motivation: Do it like you do your job.
You wouldn't stop going to work because you're bored, would you? If you did, you wouldn't have a job to go to. You don't stop going to the grocery store because you need food, right? Your body needs a work out. It's your JOB. There will be days when your job makes you feel fulfilled and happy and other days, it's just not that exciting. Same with working out.
I really hope this has helped you the way it's helping me. I have to go work out now and hopefully, I'll feel like Wonder Woman when I leave.