According to a story from Seacoast Online,  the Historic District Commission approved a plan by developer Mark McNabb to build a four-story mixed-use building on Daniel Street that include a public market on the first floor.  The commission granted approval for the "Brick Market" development, 0 Daniel Street, during its meeting on Wednesday night in City Hall.




According to the report, the building will also feature two stories of underground parking, a public courtyard, gardens with beautiful landscaping and more.  The plan also includes converting the Pleasant Street building in to a restaurant and office space will occupy the top story.

The question that I have is.....  How much will the rent be for one of these spaces?  I shudder to think.  Real estate prices in Portsmouth have been rising for years for both commercial and residential spaces.  You will be able to find a space on Daniel Street for just over half a million and walk to work, which would be perfect for someone that could afford it.




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