Portsmouth Police want the public to know that traffic will be affected during Vice President Mike Pence's visit to New Hampshire at the Portsmouth Sheraton on Market Street on Monday, February 10, 2020.



Traffic in this area is challenging as it is, so maybe a better idea to avoid the area all together.  If you work in that section of Portsmouth, maybe take a long weekend or leave your car at home and walk.  Might be a difficult task if you live more than a mile or two away, especially in the cold, but hey, if you want an excuse, there you go.

All the politicians will be gone after this coming Primary Election Day, Tuesday, February 11.  It happens every election year here in New Hampshire.  They come, they give their speeches, say the same thing again and again, then, they go.  Until November when the herd will have thinned quite a bit.  Regardless of who you are voting for, get out there and vote!


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