Shark Listeners’ Rare Lost Valuables
An early Super Mario Bros. cartridge just fetched over $100,000 at an auction. I asked Shark listeners what valuable items they'd love to have back from their childhood and got A LOT of responses.
A special edition of Spiderman, a two adventure edition, which featured the Fantastic Four versus the Silver Surfer, the same exact story as the motion picture.
I absent-mindedly sold it at a yard sale for $.50, a couple of years after it hit the newsstands, and today the comic book is worth hundreds. - Stephen C
Marvel edition comics from the 1960's have been a red hot commodity that have only increased in value as CGI technology finally caught up to the powerful imagination of the late, great Stan Lee.
Just one quick look at eBay and I am feeling Stephen C's pain.
The very first Barbie doll! - Carol M
There are not enough O's for the 'NOOOOOOO' I'd like to write in response to this. Even a beat up original swimsuit Barbie with blue eye shadow from 1959 is like having $5000 in the bank.
Original Barbies in great condition can go for in excess of $25,000!
Carol M. I am truly sorry.
When I was 11 years old, I met Robert Kennedy at a school assembly at another school. After Mr. Kennedy finished talking he asked for one student from each school to come up to get a picture and talk with him. I pointed to another student, but my teacher asked me to go up.
I got the picture for our school and got his autograph. I kept it for years until my mom threw out my photo albums when I was at college. I will always have that wonderful memory!!
- Betsy (Shark Super Fan)
What a cool story Betsy!
It certainly puts my 1977 original Star Wars Land Speeder to shame.
Thanks for all the great responses!