The Shark Remembers Those from NH Who We Lost on 9/11
Shark Nation Chimes in this morning with their remembrance of September 11, 2001. A-Train and I talked about it this morning. You can listen here if you missed it:
Here are some stories from our Facebook page:
Sue Irvine Poor My first yr driving a school bus. (I still drive the same route today) My oldest was just 2 yrs old. I came home after my morning route and turned on the TV. My MIL was at my house caring for my son while I worked, so, we both sat there in disbelief while I just hung on to my son. That afternoon we were warned not to discuss this with the kiddos on the bus. Especially the little ones. But the high schoolers had heard about it in school. I still remember some of who was on my bus that day. Vividly remember their conversations. I had to nip some of their stories warning that some kids still did not know. Let their families tell them. Afraid, what if they had families or friends on those planes. I was so numb driving that day. All I knew was I needed to get those kids home and keep them safe.
Lynn Reinhard It was a beautiful day in PA and I was on my way to pick up my day lilies at the farm. I was listening to the radio and the DJ said the Trade Center was hit by a plane. He thought it was a mistake but then he came back on to say it was true. Almost drove off the road. Returned home with my day lilies and turned on the TV to the gruesome news. I will never forget.
Marilyn Johnson I was getting ready for work, watching Katie Couric on Today. I saw the whole incident unfold. Never did get to work. (The mother of one of the flight attendants lived on Middle St in Portsmouth)
Everyone has a story about 9/11/2001. Shark Nation will not forget.
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