This New England State is the Best For Millennials In The Country
If you've ever spent a significant time in Boston or Cambridge or any of the surrounding cities and towns in Massachusetts, you can see for yourself that it would be a perfect place for any millennial. Because of all the world class colleges and universities in the state, there are so many of them roaming the streets, jogging along the Charles, studying in Starbucks.
According to WalletHub, Massachusetts is the Best State in the Country for Millennials. According to the study, they define "millennials" as people who were born between 1981 and 1997. Their methodology compared all 50 states in the following categories: Affordability, Education & Health, Quality of Life, Economic Health and Civic Engagement.
Boston and the entire State of Massachusetts has a really cool vibe about it no matter what your age or lifestyle. There is everything - the country to the West, the Ocean to the East and the Mountains just a short drive North to New Hampshire.