Was This a UFO Hovering Over the New Hampshire Seacoast?
In the spring of 2020, at the height of the pandemic, with only “Tiger King” to “keep us sane”, I settled in to write on the deck at my parents’ house on the Seacoast.
I noticed a pretty sky over the ocean. So, I took one of those cheesy “today’s office” pictures that people post to Instagram, click send, and thought nothing of it.
Within minutes, my phone began buzzing.
First, it was my friend Sam, asking if the photo was “real.” I assumed he was referring to the blueish pink sky over the marsh and ocean, so I assured him that yes, it was a nice, lovely photo.
Then, it was my cousin Mike. He was very interested in whether the photo was “real.” I responded that yes, it was. Mike’s a high-end programming wiz based in Washington D.C. who has done work for several intelligence agencies, so it struck me a bit odd he would take time out of his day to inquire about a pretty photo.
The third text, however, raised eyebrows. It was Chris Sheridan, former showrunner for “Family Guy.” Chris is a New Hampshire native who helped me get going back in the day, so it’s always good to hear from him. But then I remembered…he wasn’t at “Family Guy” anymore.
Chris is now the executive producer of the hit dramedy “Resident Alien” on SyFy.
That’s when I got a follow-up text from my cousin Mike, asking: “Did you see it?”
Finally, I looked at the photo and discovered what was causing all the commotion. High above the trees was a dark object that I had not scene while snapping the shot.
I assumed it must have been a mosquito that had flown past the lens. But, as Mom reminded me, they had just had the yard sprayed about an hour before.
A crumb, maybe? Nope. No food to be found.
But here’s the weirdest part: I went over two years without thinking about this at all. It was only during a conversation with a colleague when I was asked if I’d seen a UFO and said, “…Wait a minute.” I went on my phone, and saved on May 17, 2020 at 7:39 were two photos taken back-to-back with high-definition resolution.
In the first photo, a clear sky.
In the second: the object.
So, what say you? Am I another alien chaser from New Hampshire, like my friends over in Exeter? Or did I see something?
Either way, I just hope if aliens are patrolling the Seacoast, they’re as “competent” as the moronic Martians who embarrassed themselves in the Berkshires.
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