5 New England States Rank in Top 10 Best to Find Your Dream Job in the US
If your career is a specialty or expertise, sometimes you have to do a nationwide search for employers.
Nice to know that here in New England, 5 of the 6 states have been ranked as the best to find employment.
It is a full-time job to get a job. You have to update your resume, contact references and maybe sometimes get new clothes for interviews, even if they are virtual. WalletHub ranked the best states to find your dream job.
They based their findings on 34 indicators of the job market and economic health, employment growth, income and average commute time.
New Hampshire is Number 1
Of course, it is!
New Hampshire was named the best state to get a job partly because it has the lowest unemployment rate in the U.S. There are lots of job opportunities here, and the jobs just keep coming.
The available jobs increase by 1.7% per year, according to WalletHub's findings.
New Hampshire employees have good job security, good benefits, good pay and good quality of life.
Vermont is Number 2
Our upside-down twin, Vermont, comes in at number 2 in the report, with a 2% unemployment rate, according to WalletHub.
Unemployed people in Vermont don't find themselves that way for long. Only 0.5% of the labor force has been unemployed for 15 weeks or longer, that's the 3rd lowest percentage in the U.S., WalletHub said.
The report cites the Green Mountain state has the 5th lowest income tax burden for people making $25,000 or less per year. It's also a great state for working Moms.
Massachusetts came in at number 4, Maine at number 7 and Rhode Island comes in at number 8.
Where is the 6th state, Connecticut? Well, not far behind at number 12 in the U.S.
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