The Hampton Beach Planning Board still has to approve a plan for 18 condos.

Brownie's Motel via Google Maps
Brownie's Motel via Google Maps

The motel was put on the auction block last May but no sale was forthcoming. Then, a developer from Dracut, Massachusetts put the property's sale under agreement earlier this year.

According to seacoastonline:

 If approved by the Planning Board, Hampton Beach Realtor Tom McGuirk, who is brokering the property, said it should be demolished shortly after the Hampton Beach Seafood Festival. The hotel is expected to operate through the end of this summer, McGuirk said. The project could go before the town Planning Board for a site plan approval in July, according to Town Planner Jason Bachand. He said that would be followed by a pre-construction meeting once any conditions established by the Planning Board for the site plan were met by the developer.

This is latest in an effort to upgrade some of the structures that have been on Hampton beach for many years.

Having spent a bit of time at the beach and driven past many of these buildings over the past 35 years, I applaud the effort to give the beach a make-over.

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