Controversy Over This Epping House Has Me Shaking My Head
According to a story recently in the Union Leader, a controversy over the color of a house at 218 Main Street in Epping has people up in arms.
Vandy Leigh bought the 19th Century Victorian in March of 2018 and painted the house purple. You might be thinking... so, what's the controversy? At least that's what I'M thinking. She kept the roof red, but decided that purple was the color that spoke to her. She has gotten some complaints from people who wanted the house to be painted white. What? Really? C'mon, people.... MYOB!! (what is it with me and the letters today?)
Vandy has transformed the property in to her business, The Creative Community Space, which serves as available space for artists of all kinds, art classes, workshops, performances, etc. According to their website, you can rent space for whatever artistic expression you want for $240.00 per year.
For those who wanted the property to be painted white, maybe they should have purchased the house themselves. But they didn't, so I suggest that they mind their own business.
If I know anything, I know that there are bigger fish to fry rather than complain about what color the owner of a property should paint her house. I'll tell ya, if I wanna paint MY house purple or pink or whatever color? I sure as shinola am going to do so.
I do wish that Vandy hadn't removed the rhododendron bushes that covered part of the house, but you know what I can do - I can mind my own business.