COVID-19 Case Count for NH, ME, MA on May 6, 2020
Here are the number of COVID-19 cases in NH, Maine and Massachusetts. These numbers include the number of deaths and the number of recoveries.
According to NH.gov: 2,636
In Maine, 1,226
and in Massachusetts, 70,271
NH announced 6 new deaths, according to WMUR,. The new cases reside in the counties of Hillsborough-25, Rockingham-11, Merrimack-5, Strafford-5, Carrol-1, Cheshire-1 and Grafton-1.
As NH begins to re-open, the Town of Hampton officials want to shut down part of Ocean Boulevard, so says a report from WMUR. The officials want to practice good social distancing. The police chief in Hampton, Richard Sawyer said,
Looking at our past events that we have run here we have done a great job with our plans, like for the seafood festival where we open certain sections of Ocean Boulevard as a walking mall.
So, the proposal says you wouldn't be able to drive on parts of Ocean Boulevard, however, you will be able to walk around. Officials, according to the report, are concerned that opening up will be harder than shutting down in terms of keeping everyone safe.
Man, I can't wait until all this is just a distant memory and we can cruise the beach like we've always done. I do understand their concern for safety, however.
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