Flu Now Considered Wide Spread in NH With Death Reported
According to a report from WMUR, the flu is now considered wide spread and dangerous here in NH, claiming 1 death. The symptoms are congestion, fatigue, fever and muscle aches.
Having the flu is no joke. If you don't feel good, then stay home!
WMUR spoke with Dr. J. John Kim of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and she said:
You are most contagious within the first 24-48 hours, although it can go up to 10 days... If you have a documented case in your family, you can take Tamiflu, and you can take that for up to four days, and that will reduce your symptoms
You're not doing any favors to anyone if you show up at work sick. If you absolutely, positively HAVE to be at work and you feel ill, wear a mask, don't touch anything and lock yourself in your office. Oh, and don't talk to anyone either. Your germs will spread like wildfire and you don't want to get others sick!