New Hampshire Mom for the License Plate Win

You may have heard about the New Hampshire mom who got a letter in 2019 from the DMV, saying that she couldn't keep her vanity license plates that say, "PB4WEGO."  It was obviously funny, but the DMV cited a rule that was supposedly broken, saying vanity plates cannot contain "sexual or excretory acts or functions."

Wendy Auger has had the plates for 15 years before she got a letter from the DMV saying she had to turn them in.  She just won the case.  Good for you, Wendy!

It got me thinking about some ideas that you might like on your vanity plate, inspired by Wendy Auger.

  • STOP2P -  Watch out for this guy/girl.  They need to stop.
  • 2LATE2P  - This car is late for an appointment and has no time to "p".
  • INEED2P  - We've all been here, especially if you are bumper-to-bumper on 93 North coming back from Boston.
  • NOTPNOP  - This one will have them scratching their heads.  It's short for "no toilet paper, no 'p'."
  • NOPNCAR - No peeing in the car.  That should be a rule in every vehicle.
  • HAVETOP  - The driver has to "p".
  • LAFTLUP - This is a good one to live your life by.  Laugh until you "p".

If any of those tickle your fancy, all you have to do is click here, put the type of vehicle you want the plates for, and select what type of plates you want.  For example, you can choose from Antique, Conservation, Disabled Vet, Purple Heart, etc., but if you want regular plates for a regular car, just choose Passenger.  Enter the name you want on your plate.  It will come back as either available (and will show you what it would look like), or it will tell you it isn't available.

I went on Facebook to see if I could find Wendy's page, and I think I have.  She has seen copy cats of her plate in Manchester.

Here are some other plates that I had found before from this article.  They are still available, and wicked New Hampshire.

  1. WCKDNH - Probably the most wicked awesome choice on the list.
  2. NOTAXES - Well, at least no sales tax or income tax.  Real estate taxes are a different story.
  3. BORN603 or BORNNNH  - For those with state pride.  Born and bred here.
  4. OLDMNMT - We miss the Old Man of the Mountain.
  5. WHTMNT or WHMNTS - If you hike the White Mountains, these two might work for you.
  6. BCHBABI - Beach baby, baby!  Hampton is hopin' here.
  7. CRAFTBR - NH has a good amount of craft breweries.
  8. SKIBUM4  - Lots of mountains to ski here in New Hampshire.
  9. SIMPLLF - Definitely still a simple way of living.
  10. ACORNS - Every four years, I swear to GOD there is a plethora of acorns.  Every other year, there are quite a few as well.  Mostly choose this because MAPLE was taken.
  11. NHSHOME - New Hampshire is and always will be home.  I wouldn't get this one though because what if you ACCIDENTALLY cut someone off, they could yell, "Go back to New Hampshire!"

Did I miss any?  Let me know your ideas!

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