South Boston Residents Sing From Balconies And In The Street
I just love this video of people singing in the streets (and outside of their balconies!) in South Boston.
And what an appropriate song for the times that we're in! That video was courtesy of Laura Spence's Facebook page.
This is so inspiring to watch.
If you look for the good news, you will find it. That's what we've been trying to do since this whole COVID-19 started.
By the way, remember if you have someone that you want to give a shout out to, let us know! Our airwaves are YOURS during this time. Just fill out the form here and we'll be giving shout outs to individuals and businesses until this thing is done.
Also, remember to try to be as "normal" as possible. We can do this. We've been through tougher things than this and it will be okay.
If you've lost your job because of the times we're in, it will either come back, or there will be another opportunity waiting for you. Keep the faith, my brothers and sisters!
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