Barry Scott's co-host for Sunday Night's edition of 'The Lost 45's' is none other than Richard Carpenter! I'm going to spoil a Carpenters tune from 1972 that you'll have to hear to believe.

Goodbye To Love

So maybe the first couple minutes of this song sounds like a typical Carpenters song (and by typical I mean AWESOME) the unbelievable part is the viciously distorted guitar solo that is interspersed perfectly throughout.

The solo was played by the late and REALLY multi-talented Tony Peluso. I could write about that guy for another three pages but I must remain focused on this Spoiler.

It was released as a single off the album 'A Song For You' and topped out at #7 in the Summer of 1972.

Barry Scott will feature three entire hours of 'Records You Never Thought You'd Hear On The Radio Again' starting Sunday Night at 9pm ONLY on 102-1 and 105-3 The Shark!

Elektra Records
Elektra Records

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