There Soon Could Be Less Free Parking in Portsmouth
The 'free' Parrott Avenue Parking lot could see meters soon.
According to an article in seacoastonline, Eric Spear, who is a City Councilor, thinks that perhaps the city of Portsmouth should charge to park at the lot in order to expand "affordable downtown worker parking".
Spear is calling a 50 cent fee per hour at the lot, which is usually filled each day by 10am. The proposal would also allow a maximum amount of time someone can park there at 11 hours.
I would suggest that the Parrott Avenue lot is one of the only lots in Portsmouth that is affordable for the 'downtown workers' in Portsmouth.
The city is making it very difficult for the majority of the working force (people in the hospitality business) to afford to work there. They are spending way too much money on being able to park at a convenient spot near their place of work.
Count me as one who sees this move as one more that is not in best interest of one of the best cities in New Hampshire.