As The Shark is your home for New England Patriots football, I feel I must point out why the latest Instagram post from Tom Brady is gathering so much attention. It's a subtle yet drastic change in his personality.

He is embracing the bad guy role! Using professional wrestling terminology, he is 'Turning Heel'. This is when a good guy wrestler switches over to the dark side.

Let's face it. For whatever reason, maybe jealousy, maybe a suspicion of phoniness, the majority of people hate Tom Brady.

I think after putting up with this for nearly two decades, our locally beloved TB12 is finally enjoying the role of being so hated. Embrace it Tommy!

This has to be subtle for it to be effective and I think his 'Pliability' T-shirt with 50 Cent's 'Many Men' cranking in the background sets the perfect tone while he still stays true to his own persona which millions are sickened by.




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