All 6 New England States Made The Top 10 For Safest In The U.S.
WOW! I'm almost inspired to walk around with no clothes on in my back yard with my house doors all unlocked. Almost.....
Yesterday, I told you about the safest cities/towns in New Hampshire. Now, according to USA news, ALL 6 New England States are considered the SAFEST in America, with MAINE topping the list.
The findings were based on the number of property crimes per 100,000 people. (Crimes like burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft.) Also, low violent crimes like murder, robbery, aggravated assault and rape.
Here is the rundown of the Top 10 Safest States in the U.S.:
- Maine
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- Idaho
- Virginia
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut
- Wyoming
- Massachusetts
You can see where your state falls here.
Gotta love New England! All 6 states made the top 10 list. The one that surprises me the most, however, is New Jersey. Maybe it's because I just finished watching the Sopranos, I don't know. All I know is, next time I'm in Bayonne, New Jersey, I'm gonna feel a whole lot safer.