Hampton Beach as always been a little messy, in my opinion, but now it's getting really bad.

According to a story from WMUR, the recent hot weather has brought people and their trash out to the beach and Hampton State Park doesn't have enough employees to keep up with picking up all the trash that people leave behind.  The park usually has 30 - 40 employees working three shifts 7 days a week, but now, they are down to only 9 workers, according to the story.

We should all chip in and pick up the trash on the beach.  It's there for US.  I know that people get paid for it, but what about the pride that we should have for such a lovely place?  Look at all the natural beauty that IS Hampton Beach.  Wouldn't you want to keep it that way?

When I am at the beach and I find things that could be harmful to the sea creatures, I always pick them up regardless if I left it there or not.  For me, the environment is NOT a political issue and never has been.  The Earth is changing and we CAN do something about it.  That doesn't mean that I lean any particular way politically.  What it means is that I have looked upon the scenery of the beach my entire life and there are times when just breathing in the air saved my life.  Why would I choose to walk away and do nothing about it?

The Blue Ocean Society is a Year of Service partner here at the Shark and they have beach clean-ups all over the state.  Check it out here if you want to help out!

Take the kids and make a day of it!

KEEP READING: 50 activities to keep kids busy this summer




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