NH Timber Doodle Mating Call Captured
Luckily Sarah had her cellphone rolling when the elusive 'Peent' of a Timber Doodle can be distinctly heard not once, but twice this morning outside our Dover NH studios.
Right after we open the door, the audible 'Peents' happen a few seconds apart.
I wish I wouldn't have tried to call him as my squeaks were a pale substitute for the majestic sound of New Hampshire's weirdest bird.
Upon listening to this audio repeatedly, I can hear three really loud mating calls from the thicketed underbrush.
Every single morning for the past two weeks, I hear at least two or three of these calls and then SILENCE. I'm happy that this little guy put forth quite an encore today for Instagram.
If you hear this at any point during dusk? Try to track it (quietly) and I guarantee you'll hear them rocket straight up with their warbly sounding wings and if you're lucky, get close enough to see them fly almost until out of sight.